The collective scream you hear from school parents in the state of Georgia is the news from Gov. Kemp that there will be no more in-person schooling for the remainder of the school year. Yes, this is the same governor who incredulously claims he was unaware until YESTERDAY that he was unaware that asymptomatic people could pass COVID-19 to others. This in the city where the CDC is located.

It didn’t really come as a surprise considering Spring Break begins this weekend, leaving only 6 weeks of school before the official school year ends. So many emotions. Thankful for the peace in our household with the kids getting along better than ever despite the expected squabbles. Mindful that we need to do more socializing online – time to set up playdates for kids and parents alike. Still overwhelmed trying to keep up with the multitude of assignments in all the subjects for three kids. Sad that the kids won’t get to spend any more in-person time with their teachers and classmates.

Distance Learning

And increasingly aware of the need for self-care. Worried about health compromised and elderly family and friends. Struggling to not drown in the flood of bad news. Furious with the criminally negligent and criminally venal, outrageously corrupt, and downright sociopathic approaches of too many of our so-called elected leaders from the top down . . .

. . . yet thankful for those elected leaders trying their best to do right by their constituents (with little support from the top); essential workers making sure we have food to eat, power to keep us warm and everything running, internet to stay connected; and most of all the valient first responders and health care workers (and all the support staff that keeps them going) that are risking their lives every shift, every day to keep us as healthy as they can.

Thank you to all the heroes among us! Inspiring us to figure out a way to manage the challenges we face.

Moving forward each day until we find a way back to a better normal than this. Hug your kids, be safe and well.