FREE and fun STEM and computer science projects for kids to do on their own! Stop motion animation, game design, mobile app design, 2D and 3D modeler, pixel art, and more.

About Mouse Open Projects

Due to school closures and families choosing to stay home, Mouse would like to offer activities that can keep young people learning STEM and computer science during this period.

We’ve chosen a few projects from Mouse Create, our free online learning platform for schools, that would be easy and fun for students to try while they are home.

Mouse Create is, and will continue to be, a free tool for schools and youth serving organizations to access free creative STEM and CS curriculum. The Mouse Open Projects website allows students to get started with the same content but without an account, educator guidance, or materials. If your school or program would like more about Mouse Create, please continue reading below.


We selected projects for Mouse Open Projects that students can work on at home without an account, educator guidance, or materials. Have students choose a project and get started! Each project has a lesson plan and step by step instructions, so students can work by themselves or with an adult.

If you are interested in a webinar or the full platform with more courses and features like work submission, collaboration, assignment, and commenting, please email For educators interested in free online training please visit for a list of upcoming trainings.


Mouse is a national youth development nonprofit that believes in technology as a force for good. We empower all youth and educators to engage with computer science and creative technology to solve real problems and make meaningful change in our world. We are committed to fostering greater diversity and humanity in STEM and empower youth — and all those that educate them — to access and amplify technology as a force for good. Visit us at

A stop motion video of cookies flying out of a envelope

*April Microproject: Stop Motion Animator 1*

Build A Band

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