Front-Runner for Country’s Dumbest Governor to Reopen Essential Bowling Alleys, Nail Salons Friday” and “Georgia Leads the Race to Become America’s No. 1 Death Destination” – How do I explain this to my kids? It feels like we are heading into a period of Darwinian insanity and I’m struggling to keep my protective “everything is going to be alright” parent face.

For more than three years, I have tried to shield my kids from the news because of the president’s bad language, inappropriate behavior and cruel policies. I have only surreptitiously turned on NPR’s Morning Edition or All Things Considered, my pre-kids favorite news shows. When my oldest overhears a broadcast, he listens in rapt attention to catch the latest outrageous statement to share with his younger siblings. The impact of those statements, while awful in many respects, felt far away from us here in Georgia. Still, I helped him connect the dots from federal to state to the local level as part of my contribution to his civics education.

Staying home has been going well enough so far, all things considered. Although intermittently frustrated, the kids seem to get comfort from the social distancing we have been practicing. Now, our governor has announced the opening of many businesses little more than 24 hours from now. He has chosen bowling alleys, gyms, hair and nail salons, movie theaters and restaurants even though social distancing is virtually impossible in those settings. How do I explain this change when it makes no sense even to my 6 year olds?

The governor’s order also overrides any local stay-at-home order like the one imposed by Atlanta’s mayor. The governor is promoting the state’s economy over the health and safety of workers who will now be forced to put their lives at risk or lose their jobs (since they will be ineligible for unemployment insurance). How do I explain that he is canceling our mayor’s order to stay home that she put into place to keep the pandemic under control? The kids are already confused by people they see on the street without masks, walking right by them without care, and playing in the playground that is supposed to be closed.

The numbers of the sick and dying are completely overwhelming to my kids. I fear the day we get news about someone they know. For then the illusion of safety will be shattered.

On this Earth Day, I am less hopeful for humanity than I am for mother earth.

May this pause be good for her, and may we survive to make a more just, peaceful, and healthy country and world.