With so much together time, perhaps you need a break from reading to your children? No worries … here are a few of the many options from cyberspace (scroll to...
Here’s some fun science learning videos – good for updating your own science knowledge on some of the amazing recent discoveries: Acapella Science https://www.youtube.com/user/acapellascience/ A science playlist with 23 videos...
Interested in the connection between animals and the coronavirus? PBS Nature has a series of videos about different animals. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/ The most recent video is about the pangolin (53 minutes):...
Too much screentime? Try PBS’s Wow in the World podcast for kids. Nine minute episodes in a game show format Two Whats!? and a Wow! with quizshow style questions to...
FOR ALL AGES. The world-class Ringling Museum of Art started by circus owners John and Mable Ringling in Sarasota, Florida has “learn from home” art projects with instructions in professionally...
From Audible: For as long as schools are closed, we’re open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that...
From author and digital creator, Hank Green In light of the number of students who are going to be learning from home, Complexly is making its entire catalog of over...
More free resources for kids: Ranger Rick is making its digital edition free through June 2020. subscribe here: https://rangerrick.org/freedigital/ [March 17th] “So, starting today, we are removing the paywall from rangerrick.org and making all...
Another late night getting set up for Day Three. Already falling behind in my Kindergarteners’ writing assignments. Yes, they can barely read yet have journal entries to complete each day....