Inspired by the Italians balcony music, our neighbors who play trombone and recorder have started an evening tradition of playing porch music with my son who plays the trumpet. Below...
With so much bad news out there, I’ve decided to focus on the positive in today’s post. In these difficult, uncertain, and tragic times, we’re starved for something good. Here’s...
The lack of leadership by our federal government is staggering. As thousands of people are getting sick and hundreds dying, watching the daily dose of corruption and criminal ineptitude by...
From a dear friend of mine who is an ER doc: Your friendly mid-week #stayhome reminder 🙏🏾 Behind this team stand our security personnel, front-desk folks, environmental services, techs, case managers, nurses, secretaries...
Another late night getting set up for Day Three. Already falling behind in my Kindergarteners’ writing assignments. Yes, they can barely read yet have journal entries to complete each day....
And so it begins…. Day One. Today was the real Day One. The first day of distance learning for my three kids. More accurately, the first day of distance learning...
The reality is beginning to sink in – most likely three or more weeks of homeschooling with almost all kid-friendly places closed. Email after email announcing closings all the places...
Today is the last school day for my kids here in the Atlanta Public School (APS) system for the next two or three weeks or beyond. So, what does one...