Four years ago today – On March 13, 2020 – the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed our lives forever. I was at the playground when I got a text notice saying...
Back from a blog hiatus, it’s hard to believe school ended five weeks ago. Life continues as before with social distancing lockdown since we’ll be joining the children’s grandmother in...
On a personal and professional level, the biggest silver linings to social distancing has been the normalization of working from home and accessibility of meetings, programs, trainings, etc. Prior to...
Missing dad on this Father’s Day as always … This is not an easy time for parents of young children or for the children concerned about aging parents. During this...
GRACE … mean[s] a disposition to show kindness or compassion…. GRACE implies a benign attitude and a willingness to grant favors or make concessions. As a parent, I very much appreciated the...
School’s out. Thursday classes ended and Friday was a faculty/staff “drive-by parade” that zipped past our house 30 minutes early. Serendipitously, I had sent the kids out on the front...
Here is my work in progress regarding how to reimagine parenting policy for this pandemic time (when schools, daycares, camps and extracurricular activities are closed) and into a new future...
Casting aside everything and everyone in their way, our leaders keep pushing the bounds of humanity in the blind pursuit of restarting our economy moribund from the effects of two...
Heros, all. Let me count the ways…. Mothers are honored as heros for protecting and defending those in their care, for educating the family and community, for being the conscience...