With so many examples of direct racism and the impacts of structural racism in the news – from the higher percentages of minorities being infected and dying from COVID-19, to the killings of black men and women in Georgia, Minnesota, and Kentucky, to everyday racist encounters caught on camera – it is more important than ever to educate our children to reject racism and develop positive attitudes about race and diversity. Here are some resources.

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Don’t worry, you won’t traumatize your kids or students or make them more prone to becoming racist–or internalizing others’ racism towards them– by teaching them about race. Infants notice differences in skin color and toddlers pick up on racial biases and preferences from their parents, the books and media they see. By proactively working on and teaching about race and racism in your own home or classroom you are helping raise a generation that will work to advance justice, equity, and safety for all. Here are some tools to support you in this challenging and vital work.

Overview of talking to kids about police brutality and racism:

Age-by-Age guide to teaching kids about bias and racism: https://www.tolerance.org/sites/default/files/general/beyond_golden_rule.pdf

Article on how white families can unintentionally perpetuate racism (and what they can do about it): https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/09/white-kids-race/569185/

Toolkit on Talking to Kids about Racism (and how to start with your own behaviors, which kids learn the most from) https://www.parenttoolkit.com/social-and-emotional-development/advice/social-awareness/how-to-talk-to-kids-about-race-and-racism


Resources for Children’s Books
